Born and raised in Berlin. The Berlin artist has been working with oil paints since she was young. Fascinated by the many faces of this medium, they became her constant companion. After training as a technical draftswoman, she studied mechanical engineering at Berlin’s Beuth University. Numerous study trips enabled her to get to know a wide variety of cultures in different countries. In 2002, Angela Wichmann moved into her first own studio and has been developing her artistic position ever since.
The freelance artist works almost exclusively with oil paints, which she sometimes applies in very many and fine layers. Her series of works „Weltenduft“ focuses on nocturnal urban space, which is brought to life in an unmistakable way with the so-called bokeh effect. Her works can be found with collectors in over 10 countries on 3 continents.
Angela Wichmann lives and works in Berlin and Brandenburg.
– Foundation Starke, Löwenparlais Berlin (G)
– ARTMUC Artfair Munich
– light & exposure, Watercastle Klaffenbach Chemnitz (G)
– 100 under 1000, Gallery Schindler LAB, Potsdam (G)
– Artprize Werner Brand Foundation (G)
– AR(T)REST, Art Institution Köpenick, Berlin (G)
– something with art, sans titre Arthouse Potsdam (G)
– Welcome, Gallery M, Potsdam (G)
– Grafiks for Caspar David Friedrich, Greifswald (G)
– Bayreuth Art Exhibition, Eremitage Castle Bayreuth (G)
– Thoughts, Gallery Trafo 1, Märkisch-Oderland (Solo)
– As I Walked Out, „.. will be present“, Potsdam (Solo)
– Artprize Kulturstiftung Sparkasse Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (G)
– 100 f 250, Gallery Good Berlin (G)
– Art for all, Berliner Abendblatt und Berliner Rundfunk (G)
– No Toppic, Art-Association Arthouse Potsdam (G)
– 100 under 1000, Gallery Schindler LAB, Potsdam (G)
– Finalists Eigenart Artprize, Bremervörde (G)
– Finalists Artprize Brandenburg, Castle Neuhardenberg (G)
– Artprize Sparkasse Karlsruhe finalists (G)
– Form-ART Glinde/Hamburg (G)
– „Schöne Aussichten“ , Die Brücke Art-Association, Kleinmachnow (G)
– „Tanz der Gedanken“, Town Hall Kleinmachnow (Solo)
– I am her voice Top (Online G)
– „fabelhafter Sommer“, Die Brücke Art-Association, Kleinmachnow (G)
– study visit Oahu/Maui (Hawaii)
– open studio 2021
– „Erleuchtung“ , Landarbeiterhaus, Kleinmachnow (G)
– Finalists „Brandenburgischer Artprize“ MOZ , Castle Neuhardenberg
– „ABSTAND“ ,Landarbeiterhaus, Kleinmachnow (G)
– „FrauenLeben in Kleinmachnow“ , town hall Kleinmachnow (G)
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